ガラス Glass
Melting, freezing, becoming hot and cold, transparent and opaque. Students manipulate molten state of glass with soul. In kiln work and blowing, students explore the expressive possibilities of glass, applying a wide range of both traditional and contemporary glass techniques.
Glass casting techniques Make the prototype with clay Make a plaster mold and fill it with glass Fire the pieces in the electric kiln Forming process Cast works
Glassblowing techniques
Assemble the molten glass out of a 1400℃ kiln Arrange the shape with a wet newspaper Reheat and form the glass Glory hole Blow the glass
Transfer the glass to a punty rod Decorate with molten glass Finish the mouth of the glass Glassblowing studio Blown glass works
Critique, Cooperative activities Critique of glassblowing project Workshop Review at the end of the first semester of the fourth year Demonstration Critique Graduation work
Introduction Movie
Click to view the introductory video on the Glass Course.

※The images are accompanied by music. Please adjust the volume appropriately.

  • 工藤 直 Nao Kudo
  • 馬場 淳一郎 Junichiro Baba
  • 広沢 葉子 Yoko Hirosawa
  • 加倉井秀昭 Hideaki Kakurai
  • 加藤 尚子 Naoko Kato
  • 木方 髙 Takashi Kiho
  • 大谷 佳子 Yoshiko Otani
  • 多田美智子 Michiko Tada
  • 内田 敏樹 Toshiki Uchida
  • 湯浅 明子 Akiko Yuasa
  • 本木 理紗 Risa Motogi
Student Works

You can view additional works of students in the Glass Course on the Student works/Glass Page.