伝統と先端、実習と理論のバランスを考慮した授業科目により、伝統工芸から現代アートまで、精神性を追求した美術から機能 性を重視したデザインまで、自由な創作活動が可能となります。( CG 演習・プレゼン演習・材料学・工芸史・文様史・造形演習・ 現代造形論・空間演出論・テキスタイル表現論・伝統染織文化論 < 本学所蔵の染織コレクションを研究 >など )
The curriculum is well balanced between tradition and innovation, or theory and practice. Through a variety of subjects, students acquire free and creative expression from traditional crafts through contemporary arts, or fine arts pursuing a spiritual concept through design focusing on function.
Practice of Computer Graphics, Practice of Presentation, Theory of Material Science, History of Modern Crafts, Theory of Textile Pattern, Theory of Contemporary Arts, Theory of Spatial Arts and Direction, Theory of Textile Design Expression, Theory of Traditional Textile Culture, etc.